Showing 457–468 of 599 results

Lemieux Toy Pony Appaloosa Montana Brown IT04412

  • ‘Montana’ is a lovely Appaloosa with a white coat patterned with brown ‘leopard spots’. She has a plaitable two-tone brown and white mane and sweet brown eyes.
  • Bay and white leopard appaloosa
  • Dual coloured brown and white mane and tail
  • Super soft coat for brushing and playing

Lemieux Toy Pony Bandages In Jay Blue, Fern Or Apricot IT04118/19/20

Original price was: £12.95.Current price is: £10.30.

These are lovely mini versions of the full size polo bandages from Lemieux.

Lemieux Toy Pony Chancer – IT04411


• ‘Chancer’ is a sleek racing thoroughbred with a white star in his face, a smart short black mane and a plaitable tail

• Standing securely on all four legs, the pony is still soft and flexible making it safe for young children

• Super soft coat for brushing and playing

• Age 3 Years+

Lemieux Toy Pony Double Dressage Bridle In Black – IT04635


This incredibly detailed replica double bridle is perfect for little dressage riders to practice tacking up their LeMieux Toy Pony.