This incredibly detailed replica double bridle is perfect for little dressage riders to practice tacking up their LeMieux Toy Pony.
A real leather dressage bridle made by the same leather workers who craft our elite performance bridles, this authentic miniature has functional buckles so you can find the perfect fit for your very own LeMieux Toy Pony.
Just like a real dressage bridle, it has a snazzy crystal browband and a shiny black patent noseband with soft white leather padding.
All the accurate details are in place, even down to the double bit, with a Weymouth, a Bradoon and double reins.
Suitable for ages 3+
- Perfect for little dressage riders to practice tacking up
- Leather – C/F Leather
Thread – Polyamide 6.6 (Nylon 6.6) Bonded Thread
Metal Trims - Clean with a suitable leather cleaner
Dry with a soft cloth
Apply suitable leather balm
Store in a clean, dry place